
4 Tips (Secrets) for a Productive Morning

Welcome to the new year! This is the time to not look back, start fresh, and be productive as HELL. What better way to get productive than to start in the morning. According to the Harvard Business Review “People whose performance peaks in the morning are better positioned for career success, because they’re more proactive than people who are at their best in the evening”.

That being said, LETS GET AFTER IT!

  1. Start the Morning the day before

We all know there are not enough hours in the day to get everything done that we want to get done. One way to plan for tomorrow is to make a list of everything you need to get done tomorrow. That way when you sit down at your desk tomorrow you have a list of everything you need work on first thing in the morning.

Another way is to do everything you can the night before. Set the timer on your coffee pot so you don’t have to make it in the morning. Make your lunch and put it in the fridge so all you have to do is grab and go in the morning. Set out your clothes you want to wear tomorrow, whether it be work or workout clothes.

2. Start with the hardest thing on your to-do list first

Now that we have everything written down that we need to do today let’s start checking things off. By tackling the hardest thing first you now have a sense of accomplishment and can gain some momentum while you go about the rest of your day.

First thing in the morning your head is the most clear, the office is quiet, and you haven’t been getting pulled in a million different directions with everyone wanting your undivided attention.

3. Exercise first thing in the morning

Research from the University of Bristol found that people who exercise in the morning are reported to have more energy and be much more positive through the day which are both critical to getting things done.

This can be as simple as going for a 10 minute walk in the morning. Exercising first thing in the morning ensures that you’ll have the time for it, and it improves your self-control and energy levels all day long.

4. Find some quiet time

Time 10-15 minutes to spend some time alone. Whether it be journaling, reading, meditating or simply sipping on your cup of coffee. Doing this can put you in a calm state-of-mind and prepare you for the chaotic day ahead.

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